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Coana Mita Biciclista….

Stiu! 🙂 Va aduce aminte de glumele copilariei, dar aceasta cucoana chiar a existat si a fost considerata o doamna bine a anilor 1900 din Bucurestiul Interbelic, o fashionista pe cinste…daca ar fi una din zilele noastre!

Pe numele ei adevarat, Maria Mihaescu, a ramas in istorie pentru faptul ca a avut curajul de a se plimba in pantaloni, pe bicicleta,  pe Calea Victoriei…in timpurile in care, femeia facea baie mai mult imbracata iar pantalonul ii era rezervat cu strictete barbatului.  Dna Mihaescu isi facea veacul prin locuri dichisite, manca doar la Athenee Palace si mergea la cel mai scump coafor de pe Calea Victoriei. Era o femeie avută pentru acea vreme, deţinea o trăsură, o maşină coupe şi servitori din Polonia.

Se mai spune despre aceasta frumoasa curtezana, ca a frant inimile unor barbati precum Octavian Goga, regele Portugaliei sau regele Ferdinand,  despre care se vorbea că i-ar fi făcut cadou casa care se află şi astăzi în apropiere de Piaţa Amzei şi care îi poartă şi numele.

„Când apărea pe Calea Victoriei, aristocraţii de la Capşa, burghezii de la Oteteleşanu şi boemii de la Kubler abandonau politica şi svartul ca să admire superbul exemplar ciclist. Bicicleta cu ghidon de argint era a unei suple şi elegante fiice a Evei, cu zulufi negri, cu pantaloni de catifea mov strânşi pe picior, cu bluza corai din care fluturau mâneci înflorate, cu ghete înalte şi cu o caschetă de mătase albă, înfăşurată în voal alb, din care răsăreau încrucişate două ace mari a la Madame Butterfly”, o descrie Alexandru Predescu în „Vremuri vechi bucureştene”.
Pentru acele vremuri, coana Mita  a fost intr-adevar, o altfel de femeie!


Coana Mita Biciclista


Casa Coanei Mita, str Amzei 9.

Stay Connected! 😀

Sursa: www.historia.ro

Spending free time in Bucharest

Bucharest, capital city sometimes called “Little Paris” is the place where many of us go to other destinations. But why not just a destination Bucharest itself? Has shown so many things that may not have noticed yet. This article is for anyone who want to discover Bucharest the other day and the now.


Before any need to know how to get in Bucharest, and that our vehicles are provided.

If you come then we can choose DN1 from Oradea, Arad our choice whether we would be DN1, DN3 from Constanta is, if we travel by car. Even here we can choose: to travel by car or rent a car or minibus from EuroCars.

We have the possibility to travel by train or plane, for convenience, and then we rent a car in Bucharest without relying on public transport.

But not solve all transportation problems related to organization, especially if we want to spend several days in town.


It would be advisable to seek an accommodation before. We can rent a room at a hotel in Bucharest, or a pension. But of course, there is always a solution, and it would be apartments in Bucharest in Bucharest, along with much lower price than hotel rooms, we offer several facilities: fully equipped kitchen, free wireless internet, home cinema system , air conditioning, etc.. Do not forget any special offers for a hotel.

Transportation provided, as well as accommodation, we just have to hit the road.

Tourist attractions

I think everyone has heard at least once the House of People or Parliament House, which is ranked 2 in the world after the Pentagon, in terms of area. You should not miss in any way. Imposing architecture, monumental sculptures, decorative floors, ceilings lacy long line of saloons, galleries, theaters and halls of huge dimensions contributed to placing the buildings in Guinness Book.

People can visit the house every day.

Another monument that contribute to as “Little Paris’ Arc de Triomphe is erected to commemorate Romania’s participation in World War I. Road at the junction with Avenue Paul Kiselev Constantine Prezan. Inside the arch is held a small museum, and there possibillity to climb up the spring to take photos or admire the entire city.

Other important buildings are Romanian Athenaeum, National Opera, CEC Building, National Military, the Inn’s Inn.

Natural History Museum Gregory Antipas, recently renovated, can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday between 10:00 – 20:00. Museum organizes various workshops for both adults and children. List of museums, palaces, churches are very long, but now we turn our attention and for such activities.

May want to watch a theater performance, then we can choose between the Odeon Theatre, Bulandra Theatre or Theatre Nottara pieces.

Or if you are passionate of movies, Hollywood Multiplex, Cinema City Cotroceni or Movieplex Cinema Plaza, are just some of the cinemas that await the latest news.

You can also visit the Botanical Garden, where you will find an oasis of calm and relaxation. And the Zoo can be visited daily from 9-17.

A walk through the Park Youth Cismigiu or e Herastrau and a great way to meet the capital.


What use would be a trip if we did return with some souvenirs. We can choose between a variety of shopping malls, such as Union Shopping Center, Bucharest Mall, Plaza Romania, Militari Shopping Center, etc..


In Bucharest you will also find restaurants with American, Arabian, Belgian, French, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Portuguese, Mexican, Romanian, etc.. In few words I could say worldwide cuisine in one city.

Free time

Teahouses, casinos, discos, pubs, cafes and terraces are also places where you can meet new people and you forget stress.

Bucharest has wonderful people, spectacular places, waiting to be discovered and appreciated at their true value. Now not only have to set the date and start the road trip!